Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to add attach a file control on SharePoint List Form.

Whenever we create any list in SharePoint, it has 3 pages associate with it.
  1. NewForm.aspx --- To add new entry into the list.
  2. EditForm.aspx --- To modify existing entry of the list.
  3. DisplayForm.aspx --- To Display selected entry of the list.
Now we want to add new item in the list. Click on the “Add new item” link.it will redirect to NewForm.aspx page
Open NewForm.aspx Page

Enter values into the respective field.Now if user wants to attach any file with this current item,
user has to click on attach file menu of ribbon control.
Attach File Menu

It will open new page for adding attachement to current item.

Attach File

After attaching file will redirect to below page.
Attached File View
Now sometime user wants attach file menu on form itself.so we have to create customize forms for that list without disturbing original forms.(Default Forms)
1. Open site with the help of SharePoint designer.
2. Select List for which we need to create customizes forms.
SharePoint Designer List View


Default Form View

3. You will see default forms of selected list. Click on New for creation of new customize for the list. Give appropriate names to the forms and set those newly created forms as default by selecting each form and using set as a default option from FORMS menu or by checking “Set as default form for selected type” at the time of form creation.
Customize New Form Creation
Set Form As Default Option
4. Now open all forms in SharePoint designer.
For New form:-
a)Find out the idAttachmentsRow tr.


b)Place below highlighted code above that TR.

Code For NewForm
For Edit Form:-

a)Find out the idAttachmentsRow tr.

b)Place below highlighted code above that TR. 
Code For Edit Form

For Display Form:-
Navigation to View Item

In Default Display Page Attachment is shown but when we create any customize display form for list we are not able to see the attachment even though attachment  is  present. 
Default and Customize Display Form

Code For Display Form.

6. Save all files and Refresh the page.
a)Attach File option on New Form.
Customize New Form

b)Browse file and select it for Attachment.
File Attachment Option

After Attachment

c)AllItems View.

d)Display Page with Attachments.

Customize Display Form
e)Edit Item with attach file option.
Customize Edit Form


Friday, November 4, 2011

How to Redirect From Custom Edit Form to Display Form Using SP Designer.

  1. Sometime it requires that after editing item of list ,it should redirect to it's display page.Using SharePoint designer we have to do liitle modification in Edit.aspx Page.
  2. To redirect Display page,we need ID of that particular Item which is already Present on Edit.aspx Page.
  3. Find out the section started with <ParameterBinding Name="ListItemId" Location="QueryString(ID)" DefaultValue="0"/>.
  4. Add below code in between <xsl:stylesheet> template. <xsl:param name="ListItemId" />      <xsl:variable name="RedirectLoc">Display.aspx?ID=<xsl:value-of   select="$ListItemId"/></xsl:variable>
  5.  Now we have to replace default SharePoint Save button with Form Action Button..
  6. Add  Form Action Button to the web part (Insert > SharePoint Controls > More SharePoint Controls).
  7. Changed  form button code to the following:
  8. <input type="button" value="Save" name="btnTopSave" onclick="javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent(concat('__commit;__redirect={',$RedirectLoc,'}'))}"/>
  9. Save custom Edit.aspx page.
  10. Test the page (changed a value, hit the custom button.  The page updated and redirected from Edit.aspx to Display.aspx and pointed to the same record).